Strategies for reaching new heights by overcoming fear and doubt in business for entrepreneurs
Creativity is ironic because it can seem destructive. It can make us fearful as we venture away from the mainstream.


When you are stuck in the paralysis of fear or doubt, how do you make yourself feel “good enough”? Where do you turn to get back passion and inspiration? To define your personal brand so that things are more effortless?


1. Let your habits guide you


People love habits and certainty. These things make us feel safe and secure.  They give us something to hold onto when our life seems out of control or when entrepreneurship is overwhelming. 


That is why Jonathan Fields suggests establishing “certainty anchors”. These are daily tasks that you turn into a routine. 


Take simple activities like brushing your teeth. Make them as predictable and scheduled as possible. That way, when certainty seems remote and fear begins to invade, you will have a stable routine to follow. It will keep you calm, in check, and happier overall.


2. Just act on your ideas


Perfectionism, fear and doubt can take away your will to act.


Have faith in yourself. Often, just acting on an idea can show you your own strength and resilience, even when things go wrong.


That’s why Ramit Sethi’s 85% Solution is a way to overcome perfectionism. Don’t let “I’m not good enough” hold you back. Strive to get to 85% of perfection, not 100% (for now). 


In the world of theatre, actors constantly act and rehearse their scripts in front of critical and guiding directors. They perform every day. They act out what they are trying to achieve and fix it along the way. At the end, they are able to perform almost flawlessly after only a few weeks of practice.


In the same way, you can practice striving for your goals. You won’t be perfect the first time around, but don’t give up!


3. Turn to friends, family and your audience


If you’re having trouble acting, know where your support system is. Turn to friends who understand your struggle. 


  • Ask them to keep you grounded and remind you when you might be losing yourself. 
  • Ask them to keep things in perspective by checking in on you once a month, week, or even daily. 
  • If you are in a particularly challenging time of your venture, let your support system know about ‘triggers’ they should watch out for. 
  • Let them remind you to return to ‘the real world’ after an agreed-upon time of intense work.


Your fellow creators also know just what you’re going through. Listen to and associate with business entrepreneurs in the same industry as you. It’s almost impossible to gain inspiration in isolation. 


  • Check out networking events in your area. 
  • Find and meet similar people online and see whether you can collaborate with them. 
  • Foster a creative network for yourself that will give you ideas, act as a sounding board for your vision and keep you focused during difficult times. 
  • Visit creative social networks such as to meet other solo-creators and successful entrepreneurs.


If you already have a business and an audience, why not turn to your audience? They will be completely honest with you and will give you a boost when you need it most.

  • Read their online forums or create your own. 
  • Ask questions, conduct surveys and email individuals to gain feedback and inspiration from customers who already love what you do.


4. Grab a hold of your purpose


Remember the vision that started it all. 


Where are you trying to get to? How are you going to change the world? 


Any great business venture serves an audience. You have a passion to help a certain kind of person see the world differently. Remember what that looks like. Take yourself inside your vision and experience the smell, the taste, the emotions of that ultimate goal. 


Experience your values and your vision as if it’s fresh. Values have the strength to build your business and help you become an authentic leader with integrity, trustworthiness and unfailing certainty.


Now, visualize the process. 


Yes, it may be scary or difficult. But that’s what makes it great and creates change. Give yourself permission to experience fear and doubt as a positive means towards a spectacular goal. 


So, if you’re struggling with the fact that no one supports you, reframe your fear into the idea that no one is holding you back. You can be 100% yourself when you let go of norms and believe in the process.


Reframe your uncertainty as necessary. Let it exhilarate you to be proactive.


5. Turn to your body and cultivate your wellbeing


Picture yourself on top of a mountain. Breathe in the fresh air. Take in the beautiful scenery. Feel the freedom in your mind and the energy in your body. 


“Turning to your body” is about creating space in your mind and peace in your physical being that will translate into more productive and creative work. 


A number of high-power professionals and successful entrepreneurs like as Sonia Simone of, have integrated regular meditation into their busy schedules. 


Running, yoga, and meditation are all ways of taking yourself out of stress and ‘resetting’ your focus. 


Where do you turn when you feel uncertain? Leave your comments—we would love to hear them!