“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”  Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Do you think about whether you are going to brush your teeth every morning? Probably not. Most of us follow a routine when we get up each day. It prevents us from doubting and weighing every decision we make.


That’s the beauty of simplicity.


Eliminating clutter is a great way to find space and flow in your mind and work. It reduces the energy of carrying around extra thoughts and being distracted by excesses.


Conversely, finding a vision to guide your life makes everything easier. Values-based living lets you achieve simplicity. If you have core values to strive towards, small details don’t matter as much.

 Simplicity is beauty like a simple silloet in the age of Minimalism

 The age of technology and minimalism


Now, technological devices are creating a trend toward simplicity. You can run your business from the screen of a laptop or even an iPad. You can research an entire library on your Kindle.


But, it’s getting more difficult to organize the content within our technology.


How many emails do you get each day? How many apps do we really need? Although the clutter of technology is not directly visible all the time, it is still disorienting and distracting.


Your devices are an extension of your memory and your mind. An overflowing email account is similar to keeping in thoughts from your past.


What you can do right now to ease your technology clutter:


•  Organize your emails into “actionable” and “reference” folders

•  Only read your emails at pre-set times in the day. A study by Renaud et al revealed that most people check their emails more often than they think. Don’t fall into the same trap. 

•  Delete emails you don’t need any more. Be honest… will you really read that email again?

•  Do the same with the folders and documents on your computer. 

Create a system that is easy to follow and keeps your mind at ease.  

Live abundantly by releasing what’s irrelevant


You work hard, but are you happy? Money can buy happiness… if you spend it properly.


A study from San Francisco State University has shown that people who spend their hard-earned money on experiences, rather than things, are happier and live longer.


That’s because buying an office espresso machine makes you happy for about 5 days. Taking yourself and your team on a rejuvenating, interesting trip provides personal growth and an enduring sense of wealth. It is important to lead from within by reinvest profits into your company, rather than spending lavishly. 


On a personal level, living in a simple way leads to richer experiences. It also helps you spend your money and energy on your passions. Strive towards living with your values in mind, so that you’re always acting in ways that fulfill you. Train yourself to release fleeting worries, purchases, and cravings so that you can cultivate the aspects of your life that truly matter.


Better businesses have minimalistic structure


Just as your morning routine frees up your mind, a simplified business plan can get you new ideas and innovation. A values-based business strategy that promotes a central idea and goal with loose structure will foster freedom and creativity. Being too rigid inhibits innovation.


Even big successful companies like Apple and Google give their employees free time to pursue their interests on a regular basis. Free time and values-based leaders who promote personal creativity are huge reason why these companies are so successful. A good business should mix well-defined values and goals with a minimalist approach that allows individuals to express themselves and their unique ideas.


Try it out. Figure out which excesses in your life and business are holding you back. Then, try simplifying them gradually until you find expression and energy in the absence of exorbitance.


By identifying your values and truth, strength comes from within. It becomes easier to live with less clutter. That’s what our BRAND FROM WITHIN Program is all about. How can minimalism work for you?