Today I went over to a friend’s house who is a fashion designer and artist.
Since I was writing this blog post on creativity, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to ask her what she does to consistently keep creating.
I was expecting a response about a creativity ritual or a disciplined approach like waking up at 6am every day to do her artwork.
On the contrary, she said, “It’s because I had love.” At first it sounded too simple. She began to tell me how she lost ALL of the artwork….literally thousands of pieces in her home and gallery to the Northridge earthquake. She had to literally see it all turn into dust and broken glass. At that moment, she told me, “I looked at all the rumble and a light glimmered above all her treasured artwork – they were the paper written love notes that had been hidden in the ceramic vases by her husband.” That’s when she realized that none of it really mattered, she could create again as long as she had love. You don’t need to be loved by another or in love with another to have this feeling inside you. The person that is waiting to be loved truly and deeply is you.
Read on to my blog post and video for is week on how to create fearlessly.
How to Create Fearlessly Even When You’re in a Funk
What would be possible if you consistently created fearlessly in peak form? Regardless of outcomes, it’s an amazing feeling to feel in the flow of creativity. Being creative creates meaning. Unfortunately, we often put off projects because we just aren’t in the mood. Creatives often are emotional and moody. I know I was. When I started Brand From Within, I created until it almost hurt. I didn’t see much positive response and got critiqued, sometimes harshly. I started feeling sad and stopped creating. I couldn’t shake the feeling so I literally had to work it out my body and take a mental time out.
Physical movement is the best solution for over thinkers because our body is our subconscious. This means we can circumvent how we consciously feel through our body. If you have creative projects that just don’t seem to get finished, check out the video below. Why You Should Keep Creating and Sharing I recently heard a interesting statistics that the majority of content is shared offline. This means in personal conversations with people shared one by one. Shared content includes your stories, advice and the encouragement that you give. This means that you can’t measure the impact that you are making by website traffic, your list, or blog comments. Never stop creating. Here’s a short video I did on how you can create even when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.